# 简介

# 更新纪录

2019-9-25 update:

  • 增加代表提取奖励合约

2019-9-24 update :

  • 修改 PoV 块结构

  • 修改 PoV 模块

2019-6-20 更新 :

  • 增加 PoV and Miner 模块

  • 增加 PoV 块结构

  • 账户块结构增加 PoV 高度和确认字段

2019-3-25 更新 :

  • ledger_accountsPending 返回值增加时间戳

2019-3-15 更新 :

  • 修改 block 结构

  • ledger_accounts , ledger_blocks , ledger_accountHistoryTopn 接口增加偏移量

  • 增加 Mintage 模块

  • 修改 ledger_blocksCountByType , ledger_delegators 接口返回值

  • ledger_accountsBalances 名称修改为 ledger_accountsBalance

# Account Block 结构

字段 类型 描述
type string 区块类型
token string 交易的 token hash
address string 产生区块的账户地址
balance string 产生区块账户的余额
previous string 前一个区块 hash
link string 如果是发送区块,则为接收账户地址,如果是接收接收区块,则为发送区块的 hash
sender string 短信发送者,使用 base64 编码,可空
receiver string 短信接收者,使用 base64 编码,可空
message string 短信 hash
data string 合约产生的虚拟机指令,可空
quota int quota acquired from mortgaged assets
timestamp int64 时间戳
extra string 合约产生的额外数据
representative string 代表账户的地址
work string 工作量证明
signature string 签名数据
tokenName string token 名称
amount string 交易数目
hash string 区块 hash
povHeight uint64 PoV 块引用高度
povConfirmHeight uint64 PoV 块确认高度
povConfirmCount uint64 PoV 块确认次数

# PoV Block Struct

field type description
basHdr object block basic header
auxHdr object block aux pow header
cbtx object block coinbase tx
normBits uint32 normalized target bits
algoName string pow algorithm name
algoEfficiency uint32 pow algorithm efficiency

# PoV Basic Header

field type description
hash string block hash
height uint64 block height
version uint32 version
previous string previous block hash
merkleRoot string merkle root of all transactions
timestamp uint32 timestamp, now is unix time
bits uint32 target bits
nonce uint64 nonce number

# PoV AuxPow Header

field type description
auxMerkleBranch array auxiliary chain merkle branch hashes
auxMerkleIndex uint32 auxiliary chain merkle index/mask
parCoinBaseTx object parent chain coinbase transaction
parCoinBaseMerkle array parent chain coinbase merkle branch hashes
parMerkleIndex uint32 parent chain merkle index/mask
parBlockHeader object parent chain block header
parentHash string parent chain block hash

# PoV CoinBase Transaction

field type description
version uint32 transaction version
txIns array transaction input list
txOuts array transaction output list
stateHash string state hash of transactions in pov block body
txNum uint32 number of transactions in pov block body
hash object transaction hash

# PoV CoinBase Input

field type description
prevTxHash string transaction version
prevTxIdx uint32 transaction input list
extra string coinbase extra data (hex bytes)
sequence uint32 sequence number

# PoV CoinBase Output

field type description
value string coinbase reward value
address string coinbase reward address