# Utility

NewUtilApi creates unit module for client

func NewUtilApi(c *rpc.Client) *UtilApi

# BalanceToRaw

RawToBalance transforms QLC amount from unit to raw

func (u *UtilApi) BalanceToRaw(balance types.Balance, unit string) (types.Balance, error)

# BalanceToRawForToken

RawToBalance transforms token (not QLC) amount to raw

func (u *UtilApi) BalanceToRawForToken(balance types.Balance, tokenName string) (types.Balance, error)

# RawToBalance

RawToBalance transforms QLC amount from raw to unit

func (u *UtilApi) RawToBalance(balance types.Balance, unit string) (types.Balance, error)

# RawToBalanceForToken

RawToBalance transforms token (not QLC) amount from raw

func (u *UtilApi) RawToBalanceForToken(balance types.Balance, tokenName string) (types.Balance, error)

# Decrypt

Decrypt decrypts cryptograph to raw by passphrase

func (u *UtilApi) Decrypt(cryptograph string, passphrase string) (string, error)

# Encrypt

Encrypt encrypts raw to cryptograph by passphrase

func (u *UtilApi) Encrypt(raw string, passphrase string) (string, error)